Learn Data Types in C++ in details | AsgarTech

 Learn  Data Types in C++ in details | AsgarTech 

Data types in C++ 

refer to the different kinds of values that can be stored in a variable. In C++, each variable has a data type, which determines the size and layout of the variable's memory, the range of values that can be stored in the variable, and the operations that can be performed on the variable. 

Here are the different data types in C++:

Fundamental data types: These data types are the building blocks of C++ and they are used to define variables that can hold basic values. There are four fundamental data types in C++:

int: This data type is used to represent integers (whole numbers). The size of int data type is 4 bytes.

float: This data type is used to represent floating-point numbers (numbers with a decimal point). The size of float data type is 4 bytes.

double: This data type is used to represent double-precision floating-point numbers. The size of double data type is 8 bytes.

bool: This data type is used to represent Boolean values (true or false). The size of bool data type is 1 byte.

Character data types: These data types are used to represent characters and strings of characters. There are two character data types in C++:

char: This data type is used to represent a single character. The size of char data type is 1 byte.

string: This data type is used to represent a string of characters. The size of string data type varies depending on the length of the string.

Enumeration data types: These data types are used to define user-defined data types. 

Enumeration data types are created using the "enum" keyword. An enumeration data type consists of a set of named constants, which are assigned integer values automatically by the compiler.

Derived data types: These data types are created by combining fundamental data types and other derived data types. There are three derived data types in C++:

Array: This data type is used to represent a collection of values of the same data type. The size of an array depends on the number of elements in the array and the size of each element.

Pointer: This data type is used to represent the memory address of a variable. The size of a pointer data type is 4 bytes on a 32-bit system and 8 bytes on a 64-bit system.

Structure: This data type is used to represent a collection of variables of different data types. A structure is defined using the "struct" keyword and consists of one or more members. The size of a structure data type depends on the size of its members.

These are the different data types in C++. Understanding data types is important in C++ programming, as it helps in selecting the right data type for a variable and optimizing the use of memory in a program.

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